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OECD Statistik: Sportlich zur Arbeit: Weniger als 1% der Römer pendeln mit dem Rad. In Berlin sind es 9, in Kopenhagen sogar 36% Freitag, 02. November 2012 - 09:55

Measuring the performance of a compact city You do not have access to this content

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This chapter deals with indicators for monitoring and evaluating the performance of a compact city. First, it reviews previous attempts to measure compact city performance and discusses the relevance and availability of the indicators. Based on the review, the chapter proposes 18 indicators as core compact city indicators. It then applies the proposed indicators to OECD metropolitan areas, discusses effective ways of using them, and identifies challenges and areas for further research. Seven indicators are examined using 3-D maps and other geographic information system (GIS) tools: i) population and urban land growth; ii) population density on urban land; iii) trip distance; iv) urban land cover; v) trips using public transport; vi) proximity to public transport; and vii) matching local services and homes.